About My Approach
The force-free methods—or R+ training—that I use are widely accredited and preferred because they’re backed by science and acknowledge that dogs are sentient creatures with their own emotions and desires.
A dog’s behavior is motivated by their emotions. When they learn through positive-only interactions with their owners, they’re learning to listen and do what you ask of them out of mutual respect, and because it leads to good things, like a treat and the reward of a happy companion—you.
Other primitive, chocker-collar methods teach a dog to obey, but out of fear. That’s doesn't build a healthy bond.
Helping humans build better bonds with dogs is the best reward for me, and it’s among the reasons I got into canine training. Dogs become family. I’ve lived most of my life with a house full of dogs—growing up we had the goodest German Shepherds.
About my love for dogs
I’ve been a dog lover my entire life. From a young age, I wanted to spend as much time with dogs—our dogs, friends’ dogs, all dogs. Didn’t matter. I volunteered at animal shelters, and enjoyed it. That was until I witnessed the number of good dogs being given up due to behavior issues that I believed could be solved.
Now, I know that many of those dogs I saw being dropped off simply hadn’t been allowed the opportunity to learn, and positive reinforcement training could’ve helped. The experience led to my decision to become a dog trainer.
Curious to know where the name “About a Dog” comes from? Hint: I’m a huge Nirvana fan.*
About my experience
I received my Dog Obedience Trainer certification from Animal Behavior College. I am a member of the Association of Professional Dog Trainers. Since there is always more to learn, I continue my canine obedience education through courses offered by the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) and others.
And you might spot me assisting with group classes around Los Angeles, where I enjoy working closely with my force-free training mentors.
*On their first album, Nirvana has a punchy-love song called “About a Girl.” For me though, it’s all about the dogs.